It is with great pleasure and excitement that we provide information for The Seventh International Cane Collector’s Conference
Milano Italy May 26 thru 30, 2010
All of the events from the Grand Opening of the Exhibition with the Conference Committee hosting the Cocktail Party, to Friday’s Cane Conference thru Saturday evening’s Grand Gala was memorable, enjoyable and educational. It was delightful to share in the events with so many friends and have the opportunity to meet other Cane Enthusiasts.

It is with great excitement that we applaud Laurence Jantzen’s book Les cannes d’art populaire documenting the Exhibition of Popular art canes in Europe from the XVIIth to the XXth century.
This successful Exhibition premiered at the Canemania2008 Cocktail Party at Le Louvre des Antiquaires on October 9, 2008. The Exhibition received coverage by French television, newspaper and magazine. Click here to view the coverage.

A limited number of copies of this reference remain available and you may contact Laurence at ljantzen@club-internet.fr concerning book purchase.
Another excellent book Vertical Art debuted at Canemania2008 and many copies sold during the conference. It has received excellent reviews including coverage in the New York Times. Click here to view that coverage.
It is available for purchase at: www.verticalartcanebook.com
A Special Thanks
We would like to take the time to thank our sponsors for everything they’ve done for us. We invite you to visit our sponsorship page, which features links to each of our sponsors’ websites.
What’s New?
Restaurant List
Please click here to view a list of recommended restaurants near the Louvre des Antiquaries (Thursday reception) and the Salons du Louvre (Friday Conference Site).
Please contact the Official Committee for questions, input, or sponsorship.