History of the International Cane Collectors Conference
The first Conference was held in October 1993, at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. It was chaired by Nancy Taron assisted by Henry Taron, Josiah Beeman and Linda Beeman. Speakers included Michael German and Frank Monek Sr., and Tradewinds held America’s first all-cane auction.
The second Conference was in 1996 also at the Samoset Resort in Maine. It was chaired by Henry & Nancy Taron and the keynote speaker was Jonathan Fairbanks, Curator of American Arts, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
The third Conference was in 2000 in Salem Mass. It was chaired by Henry Taron assisted by Chris Taron along with a partnership from the Peabody/Essex Museum. The highlight was a Collectors Exhibit held in the Museum where five serious collectors showed their favorites and spoke about their collections. The banquet in the Museum’s East India Marine Hall was memorable.
The fourth Conference was in 2004 in Atlanta, Georgia with new collector Emory Mulling as chair assisted by a Committee including Henry Taron, Lonsdale Green, Herb Sackett and Deanna Mandel. Tours in Atlanta and a barbeque dinner hosted by the chairman were highlights.
The fifth conference was held in the Napa Valley of California in 2006 with Eddi Van Auken as chair, along with her fine committee of Larry Mattson, Deanna Mandel and Dick Mandel. Eddi coined the title “Canemania” and the event was memorable with great speakers, tours and events.
Thank you to Henry Taron of Tradewinds Antiques & Auctions for providing us with the history of the International Cane Collectors Conference.